Launch of the series ACTIVATE For the Right to Health
The series “ACTIVA-TE For the Right to Health” premiered on March 27th, in Maputo, with the collaboration of around 30 civil society organizations, members of the Alliance for Health network.
The member organizations of the Alliance for Health work together to defend the right to health for all people in Mozambique. Aware of the power of audio-visual media, through these, the network seeks to raise awareness among Mozambican society on various topics related to health, with the aim of making it more active in defending its rights and fulfilling its duties, as users of the National Health System (NHS).
The series “ACTIVA-TE For the Right to Health” is composed of the following six episodes: Obstetric Violence; Services for Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence; Positive Masculinities; Rights and Duties of Users; Sexual Diversities; and, Right to Health. The episodes of the series reflect the dilemmas and challenges faced by Mozambican society in their daily lives in relation to their health.
There is a need for the appropriation of the series' contents by society.
During the event, the Executive Director of Saber Nascer association, Camila Fanheiro, stated that there was a need for the appropriation of the series' contents by society, that is, a dissemination of these same contents in other languages in the country and beyond, so that the series can be viewed in other parts of the national territory and across borders, without neglecting the importance of adapting them for people with special needs.
The poor knowledge of decrees and laws in the sector leads to the violation of this right.
Regarding one of the themes brought up by the series – “Rights and Duties of Users” –, António Mate, representative of the Citizen Observatory for Health (OCS), stated that the poor knowledge of decrees and laws in the sector, whether on the part of users, or by health staff themselves, leads to the violation of this right, which is even reflected in successive class strikes.
Around 50 people were present at the premiere of the series, which took place at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Maputo, from Government representatives, members of civil society, the artistic class (musicians and actors) and journalists, to witness the launch of the series “ACTIVA-TE For the Right to Health”, full of captivating stories full of emotions.
It is important to note that the production of this series had the financial support of different financiers, including: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), the Government of the Valencian Community (GVA), the Municipality of Barcelona and the POTENCIAR Program.